Rights of Way
BOAT/ORPA/RUPP? What's it all about?
I have added a new link to the OS Blog where Rights of Way are explained.
A hot topic at the best of times but progressively getting more so as various groups lobby Local Authorities and we move towards the 2026 deadline for recording rights of way on the definitive map.{DEFRA new plans to simplify recording rights of way}
There is an interesting article on this topic by Dave Waterman from the Rights of Way Reform Project in the Green Lane Association's July 2018 bulletin, for those readers who are GLASS members.
BOAT - Byway open to all traffic
ORPA - Other route with public access
RUPP - Road used as a public path (now defunct - replaced by Restricted Byway)
1:25000 OS Map Definitions
Geograph Rights of Way and Access - OS 25K map symbols
A guide to definitive maps and changes to public rights of way
There is an interesting article on this topic by Dave Waterman from the Rights of Way Reform Project in the Green Lane Association's July 2018 bulletin, for those readers who are GLASS members.
BOAT - Byway open to all traffic

ORPA - Other route with public access

RUPP - Road used as a public path (now defunct - replaced by Restricted Byway)

1:25000 OS Map Definitions
Geograph Rights of Way and Access - OS 25K map symbols
A guide to definitive maps and changes to public rights of way